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About Us

Tajushariah Online Islamic Institute (International) is an educational institution with a modern education system for Dars-e-Nizami. Its purpose is to equip the new generation with Arabic and religious knowledge and to train them in knowledge. Arranging for those who cannot leave their homes due to various epidemic diseases or other domestic problems and spend time in a religious seminary, to teach standard religious knowledge at home and to allow them the opportunity to be acquainted with their appropriate and helpful modern knowledge is one of our priorities. Also, from this institute, those gentlemen of our nation who want to get religious education after graduating from modern schools, or those who cannot go to Islamic institutes due to employment, especially our sisters who cannot go out of the house, can all benefit from this education system at home
This institute is the online department of a great (proposed) religious institute, Jami`ah Imam-e-A`zam. It was established in March 2021 by Hazrat Mufti Faizan ul Mustafa Qadiri Razvi Amjadi. Its main goal is to promote religious knowledge with modern discipline and contemporary method of education. This institute and all its scholarly activities will be within the limits of Ahl-e-Sunnat wa Jama`at (Maturidi / Ash'ari) in creed and within the boundaries of the madhhab of Imam A`zam Abu Hanīfah in furu` (pillars of the religion and rulings), whose interpretation is what Imam Ahl-e-Sunnat, Mujaddid Din wa Millat Imam Ahmad Raza (may his soul be sanctified) wrote in his literature. Meaning, this institute will be bound by the maslak of A`la Hazrat.